If you sign up for a rewards program, you can earn points from purchases to put toward free rewards (and trust us, you’ll definitely rack up points from all the diapers/wipes/formula you’ll buy). Sometimes the free products don’t happen right away.

If you’re okay with getting promotional emails up the wazoo, some companies just make you sign up for their email list in order to receive freebies. Some baby registry welcome boxes and brand trial kits require you to pay for the cost of shipping, usually anywhere from $5 to $13. Here are the general categories they fall into:

You’ll have to do some work for these products. That saying “nothing in life is free” exists for a reason, so are any of these products actually without cost? This is probably the first question most pregnant people will ask. Here’s our breakdown of the best free stuff you can get while pregnant. Luckily, baby product freebies are fairly easy to get through lots of different channels. You’ll be spending money on them for (many, many) years to come, so it’s understandable to want some stuff for free.

PLUS you'll get some WONDERFUL high-value Enfamil coupons – to the tune of $60 in savings! Whether you’re planning to breastfeed or bottlefeed, this will be handy to keep around for supplementing feedings. Sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings to see if you're eligible to get a FREE Wonder Box – which includes a two FULL SIZE cans of formula (that's a $25 value right there!) – and in the past has also included bottle nipples and more. Not a member of Enfamil Family Beginnings? Don't miss this hot freebie! If you’re a new mom, or expecting a baby – here’s a fun offer to jump on right away!