Applications are submitted at the end of each semester. The ORMS major is impacted and to be considered for admission, students should have a minimum of a 3.2 Berkeley GPA in the prerequisite courses. You can declare a major after you have completed at least one semester at UC Berkeley.

You can also look to see what classes at your CA Community College satisfy requirements through ASSIST: Articulation agreements with the California Community Colleges define specific course equivalencies. Spring 2020- Spring 2021 prerequisite coursework taken p/np: Please make an appointment with the advisor to review application eligibilityĮquivalency of courses taken at other colleges and universities should be determined early in the application process. Students should have a minimum of a 3.2 Berkeley GPA in the four prerequisite courses. Students should apply to the major during the semester in which they are enrolled in their final prerequisites.

Math 53, Math 54, Econ 1, 2 or 3, and UGBA 10 must be completed prior to acceptance to the major and all must be taken for a letter grade. Summer session prior to the academic year does not count as the first semester. Transfer students must apply for admission by the end of their first semester. Students who entered Berkeley as a freshman proir to Fall 2023 must apply for admission by the end of their fifth semester (does not include summers or withdrawn semesters) or prior to the accumulation of 80 units (does not include units earned in high school, but does include units in-progress at the time of application) whichever comes second.

Maintaining a 3.2 (at Berkeley) GPA in Math 53 and 54, Econ 1, 2, or 3, and UGBA 10 is required. In addition, we expect our graduates will obtain the broader skills, background, and knowledge necessary to be effective life-long professionals who understand the impact of systems in a societal context in a rapidly changing global economy.

The Bachelor of Arts in Operations Research and Management Science (B.A.