You can request your font converter on contact us page.

We don’t store your source or converted text.

We only convert text using algorithm like something like replace K=>क. We don’t have any of these fonts to download or distribute. Text will be converted to shreedev 0714 font and will be shown in shreedev 0714 font’s text box.You can also use Reverse Converter (If Button Visible) i.e.

Open Notepad/Microsoft Word In your PC Paste in your text with Ctrl + V.You can again select all text in Unicode font text box with Ctrl +A, copy with shortcut Ctrl + C.Text will be converted to Unicode will show in Unicode Text box below.or you can use shortcut key to button Alt+C. Once Text will be visible in text box, Click the Button Convert to Unicode.To paste you can Right click in text box select option Paste or use Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. Open that file select all text, you can use keyboard shortcut key Ctrl +A all text will be selected. If you have text typed with shreedev 0714 font.search your font name and click on that link.